Grapes 'n Grain

eating and drinking our way across nations...

Friday, June 16, 2006

visitation rights - preferrably revoked

Our fearless leader, Georgy "DubYa" is in town today. Like… as in Seattle – my town. He’s probably within a 7-10 mile radius of me as I write this. This makes me sneeze and itch, and… is that a hive there on my thigh? I didn't get enough notice to make arrangments to flee the state, as this info was sprung on me just this morning, much to my horror. I should probably keep up with the news better.

Anyway… I’m laying low today. Don’t want to let my queerness or social consciousness or sense of equality and good and evil get in the way of his important business. But I’ll tell you one thing – if that heaping, steaming sack of shit causes traffic delays on my commute home today, I’m going to be livid.


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