Grapes 'n Grain

eating and drinking our way across nations...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

RED SHOE GALLERY Episode 6 - The Truth about Ireland

Unfortunately, we didn't get a whole lot of photos in Ireland (Galway and Kilkenny), as we were still in the throes of our broken camera dilemma. Because of the lack of interesting architectural and cultural photographs, however, I thought I'd provide you with a glimpse into what the Red Shoes *really* spent their time doing in Ireland.

You may notice the "10 pack" of cigs in the photos. Yah... they actually sell 1/2 packs of cigarettes there. And there's enough 2nd hand smoke in every pub to choke a horse. So the answer to your question is "hell yes! we smoked our brains out in Europe." We're over it now.

As they say... "when in Rome..."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are all the comments? This is a fantastic blog and it deserves some recognition. Beautiful work. Breathtaking really.

I apologize for my colleagues' neglect. Clearly, a shift in priorities is in order.

3/28/06, 4:12 PM  

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