Grapes 'n Grain

eating and drinking our way across nations...

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Henry the VIII's Privates

I'm sorry, I don't mean to be crude, but really, this entry is really only about one thing: Henry the VIII''s privates. So... we're in the Tower of London, which had all sorts of cool historical whats-see-do's-its and what not, but what really struck us was Henry the VIII's armor. I mean, I wasn't around in that time to psychoanylyze and pass great critical judgement on him (like I do to folks now) but my first impression, upon seeing this "historic" site was... " YOU'VE GOT TO BE (*%#$_%#*@) KIDDING ME! HA HA HA!" Okay, so the photo truely does not do it justice but I kid you not, this guys umm... hmm... ball armor? was the size of a gymnasium. I wanted to scream, "Hey Henry - ego problem, much???" but you know... the guy was like 100+ years dead so I figured he couldn't hear me, so instead I just made some judgements in my head that I will likely apply to all men for the next oh 5-10 years or so and eventually may go away... but probably not. Let me put this into perspective for you, since the photos really don't do it justice. We have a man in steel plated armor. Great. Fantasic. Good for you. Then we have the armor that protects his what-see-calls-its, which you know... should be like... normal size? NOO!!! I kid you not, this thing stuck out like... a good two feet, or three. Looking at it from a profile view was the funniest thing I've seen in years. And all we could think was... "ah man, Henry, if you're that insecure (cuz you KNOW he was playing a huge part in constructing his own armor at the time), you need not be KING!". So, the Tower of London was cool. We got to see Henry the VIII's balls magnified to the n'th degree. We should travel more often.


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