Grapes 'n Grain

eating and drinking our way across nations...

Friday, June 09, 2006

Team Dingos Ate My Baby

We've signed up for the Furry 5 K. race this weekend at Seward Park. I heard about it on the radio this morning (thanks KMTT) and bolted into work to research it further and then promptly called Drake beaming with excitement to fill her in on our big weekend plans! I must have spent at least an hour reading through the site, picking out a Team name (I went with "TEAM DINGOS ATE MY BABY" because we're cool like that), registering both myself and Drake for the race + bonus tshirt, and bragging to my coworkers about the advanced lightning speeds that my puppies and I will be able to run this race in. Oh, and I also informed Drake that she needs to come up with a quick lesson plan on how to teach Huckleberry to jump through rings of fire so that we can win the "best dog trick" contest in the post-race festivities. It wasn't until it was all taken care of and my exhilaration wore down that I realized what an absolute total f*cking geek I am. That at 32, I have turned into that exact person I used to make vicious fun of. I'm going to race my dogs around a lake this weekend with probably 500 other geeks and dogs and it's like the most thrilling news of the day!


I can't wait to get home and tell them the exciting news.


Blogger Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

I love the team name!!!!

6/12/06, 12:30 PM  

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