Grapes 'n Grain

eating and drinking our way across nations...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

RED SHOE GALLERY: Episode 7 - Scotland

Okay - so I do apologize for dropping this picture posting project like a hot potato that has grown soggy, green and infested with mold spores. There was a thing that came up. and then another thing. and then a few things piled up back to back and then a cluster of things, and well... I'm finally getting back to the priorities here, okay?

So if it hasn't been made abundantly clear yet, Drake and I mutually agreed that Edinburgh, Scotland was our favorite stop on our European adventure. I'll admit that this was a painfully difficult thing to come to terms with and it wasn't until after some intense therapy sessions, prayer circles, deep hypnosis and magic 8-ball consults, that we were finally able to confess this to each other. I mean, most of our travel talk and big dreams our past 11 years were all "Ireland Ireland Ireland" and what with Drake being a leprechaun and all; but well... Scotland just kicked ass! Simple as that. Best architecture, friendliest people, most amusing accents, mysterious history, a drinkin' culture (which appealed to us), bitchin' pubs, and just overall a damn cool place to visit.

And without further adieu, the photo guide. Remember to double click all images to enlarge to actual size.

TOP shot - Sir Walter Scott Memorial and probably my favorite architectural piece in all. This thing loomed over the city center in a righteously gothic medieval manner, setting a character and mood about the city that I just ate right up. Brought to mind a scene out of Wuthering Heights or something.

2nd shot - Red Shoes travel the sleek, icy switchbacks up the hillside to the castle. View from half-way up. I risked my life for this photo opp.

3rd shot - This bagpiper was the rudest MoFo we met in Scotland. He actually demanded that Drake pay to take a picture with him. A ripe surly old bagpiping bastard, twas he.

4th shot - View from atop the hill looking out from the castle. Beautiful!

5th shot - Edinburgh Castle view from our B&B window!


Blogger Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

You had to pay a bagpiper for a pic? Did he at least let you look up his skirt?

4/13/06, 3:00 PM  

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