Grapes 'n Grain

eating and drinking our way across nations...

Monday, June 19, 2006

The Animal Kingdom

I just had to put this down in writing...

In the short 1.5 minutes it takes to navigate my way through the office park today on my way out of work, I managed to just narrowly miss hitting and killing the following: 1) a family of ducks (mamma duck and two baby ducks, 2) a wild bunny rabbit, and 3) a plus size girl in - get this - LEOPARD SKIN SPANDEX bicycle shorts. That's right. Leopard skin, camel-toed, squeeze that toothpaste back into the tube, spandex shorts!!! Piteous hemorrhaging Jesus, who would do that? What was she thinking? Was she inspired by the abundance of wild life in our office park? Did she go over-kill on her daily dosage of Prozac? But more importantly, did I have a moral obligation to stop her and let her know that what she was wearing was not only horrendously f_cking CRAZY but was probably considered a crime on humanity in some states?


Blogger Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

Lions, Tigers and fat chicks stuffed in bad animal prints-Oh MY!

6/22/06, 11:01 AM  

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