Grapes 'n Grain

eating and drinking our way across nations...

Monday, February 27, 2006

They Really DO Sing!!!

Pub Count: 17

In Ireland, they really DO sing in pubs!!! Granted, it was tunes like "American Pie" and sadly not the traditional songs like "Cockles and Muscles" or "Whiskey You're the Devil", but they do shout and chant and sing and it's all just marvelous!!! I must have been a Irish wench in a past life.

So we wrapped up London and are now firmly planted in Galway, Ireland!! Our conclusions on London were as follows: fast walkers, early drinkers, sharp dressers, and few dogs. Oh - and London does pubs like Seattle does Starbucks - on every street corner and a few in between. The last day there came with just a couple of mishaps like the fact that our CAMERA BROKE!!! seriously - we are sans camera and completely in a quandry about it. Not to mention how this completely disrupts the Red Shoe Galleries!!! We will scope out a camera shop in town today and try to buy some cheap digital thing but we're totally bummed about this and we may have lost all the pics we took from the Westminister Abbey and so on in London. They say a picture is worth a thousand words but unfortunately for us the Pound and Euro is worth about a thousand American dollars!!!!

We plan on leaving Galway tomorrow morning and stopping off at some small Irish town on the way to Kilkenny for a night just to experience more of traditional small town Ireland. Galway is an exciting town with lots to offer but a thriving, new age college town over populated with roudy, drunk 18 year olds. The drinking age in the bars/pubs here is 18. If we have time today, we may hop a ferry over to the Aran Islands.

Lastly - I can't conclude without a short note on my driving skills in Ireland. We are amazing!!! Extremely talented, adaptable and technically superior. :) I (erin) drove and Drakey was the Master navigator who figured out the system on how to read the round-abouts in no time flat. The only dumb American blunder I made was the first time I attempted to turn on my signal and instead of signalling right, I blasted the windshield wipers on to full speed. Not only is the drivers seat on the opposite side but the turn signal is as well. Go figure.

The Amazing Race - here we come!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey!!! yeah you made it and it sounds like you and Erin are having a great time. I am sooo sorry about the camera thing! that really sucks! I hope you are able to pick one up! I cant wait to see the red shoe gallery! Have a great rest of your trip. I will be checking the site daily to see if you have any new entrys!! luv ya both!

2/27/06, 6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ti-Ti and Tu-Tu,
I wanted to see how your trip was. Sorry about the camera. Hahahaha. (he really did laugh)
love u. I hope are able to find some irish gold for me. see you soon.

2/27/06, 6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, well now... navigating the world are ye? how absolutely fabulous. I wish I had some insight to share, but the British Isles are not my specialty. I am loving your blogs though! Damn I miss you two...

life is rowdy crazy back here in the states... we'll have to do a Seattle pub crawl to celebrate your safe return!

3/9/06, 10:07 AM  

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