Grapes 'n Grain

eating and drinking our way across nations...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

follow the yellow brick road

welcome to the soon to be “travel blog” of drake and erin. i’ve always wanted to host a blog, but i figured i’d need to have something to say, as that seems to be the point of these thingies; although i’d venture to argue otherwise based on some dribblings i’ve read. but whatever. so, i've seen prego blogs, political blogs, work blogs, poetry blogs, food/cooking blogs, etc. i thought about doing a wine or board game blog, but i figured that would get old after a couple of days… or drinks. i'm not now (nor ever will be) pregnant, politics make me too enraged to talk about, and a wine blog would likely be overwrought with a lot of sentimental ramblings, grammatical errors and misspellings, so those were all out.

but… alas, drake and i have *finally* planned our first european adventure and i’ll be damned if there won’t be something interesting to say about it, once it’s all underway. i would also like to note that this was no small feat, as we’ve literally been talking about our “soon to be” trip to
ireland since we shacked up 11 years ago. but planes, trains and automobiles are booked, new luggage and super cool, bright red, comfortably-trot-around-europe shoes have been purchased (more on this later), dog sitters are in sitting (or at least crouching) position, and this thing is actually going to happen!

so we’re doing sort of a cracked up, whirl-wind, tour of europe. fast and furious… that’s what it’s all about. we’re hitting london, ireland (dublin, galway, kilkenny and some pub stops in between), edinburgh, scotland and york; rarely in one place for more than a couple days. this will be the first time either one of us has ever left the country (canada not included) so our clueless asses trekking around europe will be at the very least, comical, if not disastrous. i think we’ll be okay with small dosages of disaster, however; it is, afterall, a learning experience. example of how clueless we are: earlier this week, we had to call around to our friends in order to find out how to make an international phone call. we’re definitely on our way to becoming wicked cultured lezbos.

don't be shocked if the writing styles here change slightly as our trip progresses. we may pick up on certain phrases like "lovely jubbly" and if we're "on the piss" then we're liable to even get profane or sloppy in our choice of words. after all, we are "bent as a nine-bob note". anyway... what i'm trying to say is that we’re both highly susceptible to influences and completely void of any semblance of embarrassment if you people decide to make fun of us on this matter. :)

ireland and guiness, here we come! we’re gonna drink yer’ country dry!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Erin
Your mom and dad told me about your blog and they gave me the address. I look forward to your "Red Shoe" travels. I love your writting style. It sounds like you talking.

Love Annie

1/15/06, 12:09 PM  

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