Grapes 'n Grain

eating and drinking our way across nations...

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Preparing the Palate

a standard rule of thumb - never adventure to an unknown territory without ample preparations. note my artistic assortment of irish beverages. the plan is to drink them all. consider this akin to getting a particular vaccination. if i introduce sufficient amounts of irish whiskey, guinness and lagers into my blood stream in small (or medium) dosages prior to my trip, i am therefore less likely to be jolted by them (i.e... schedule-threatening hang-overs) once we are officially ON our trip. Africa-bound travellers get Malaria vaccinations, those bound for South America get Typhoid vaccinations, and while there's nothing clinically proven for Europe - I figure I should be on the safe side and well... self vaccinate. and this advice, totally FREE!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think self vaccination is a great idea!! It sounds like you are well researched for your trip.

I'm guessing your going to eat while your over there as well and I hear they eat a lot of boiled cabbage (from my experience a gas causing food). You might consider supplementing your Gusiness and whiskey diet with cabbage. It would be very embarassing while on your journey to have ill effects from the food which might prevent you from visiting the pubs. Cabbage will provide a little nutrition as well.....had to add that seeing as how I'm in the field.

Just a thought...and don't over vaccinate!!


1/27/06, 1:18 PM  

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