Grapes 'n Grain

eating and drinking our way across nations...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

RED SHOE GALLERY: Episode 2 - "Fair Weather Fans"

okay... so i'll openly confess that i watched my very first football game (from kick-off to finish) this past weekend when our beloved Seattle Seahawks made it to the play-offs for the first time in 25 years or somethin'. of course, drakey and i don't do much without making a celebration of it, so we went all out (for ourselves) and made lil' smokeys in bbq sauce, home-made nachos with the WORKS, bought a bunch of beer, choreographed some special hi-fives, and played crazy "football fan" for an entire afternoon. and you know... honestly, i don't know if it was because i accidentally wore an all blue outfit on the "blue friday" before the game, or if it was because of my virgin spectatorship or not, but by golly, our Seahawks KICKED ASS and made it to the Super Bowl for the first time ever in the history of the world!! you see, normally they just suck, so i've never had to concern myself with this 'seattle loyal sports fan' bidness. anyway... to get on with the purpose of this story - drake and i came into the possession of some real, live, genuine Super Bowl tickets this evening. don't ask, it's complicated. so the question lingers, should the red shoes take a trip to 8-mile, to Super Bowl XL? or should they sell the tickets on ebay for billions of dollars? Ireland 2006? "Hey Bartender, make that a double!!"


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