Grapes 'n Grain

eating and drinking our way across nations...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

the fun part of my job

It's not terribly often, but occassionally I'll come across something awesomely fascinating and/or hillarious in my line of work. The following email and resume was passed along to me by a coworker of mine. It made my day.

"Can you use this guy? Found him on Monster. He does have a disability though. He has a note explaining the disability at the bottom of the page. There is a link to his website too about the whole conspiracy against him. It is very in depth if you dig in. God, the Defense Department, Big Tobacco, McDonalds, the X Files are all in on it. It started back in 1947 before he was born."

I took out some of the personal info like tele #, address and email to protect his privacy - well, just a wee bit, although most of his stuff is broadcast all over the Internet, including a permission statement to disclose or replublish his theories; not, of course, without the risk of "retaliatory mind control" but I suppose I'm willing to take that risk.

"You have my permission to pass on this email to anyone who would be interested, although mind control retaliation is possible for large disclosures."

David White

Objective: Employment as a C/C++ Developer in the Seattle, WA area.

Computer Skills: C/C++, Algorithms, OOP, Unix/Linux, Emacs. Also some experience with CVS, X/Motif, HTML, Java, PERL, SQL, Windows, and Unix Sysadmin.

Disability: I have a top-secret mind control[1] disability that has prevented me from working for seven years. I can work now, but because of the disability, I can only work up to about 40 hours per week.


University of California, San Diego, 1993-1997
Masters of Science in Computer Science (1995), Dropped out of Ph.D. Program in 1997.
· GPA: 3.9/4.0
· Research in the Ph.D. Program on similarity indexing of medium and high dimensional databases, content-based retrieval in image databases, and content-based retrieval in 3d databases. C/C++ used for all projects. Java used for one project. PERL used for one project.
· Teaching Assistant for Freshman C++ Course for C.S. Majors.
· David A. White, Ramesh Jain, “ImageGREP: Fast Visual Pattern Matching in Image Databases.” Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases (SPIE), 1997, p. 96-107.
· David A. White, Ramesh Jain, “Similarity Indexing: Algorithms and Performance.” Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases (SPIE), 1996, p. 62-73. (55 Citations.) URL:
· David A. White, Ramesh Jain, “Similarity Indexing with the SS-tree.” Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Data Engineering, 1996, p. 516-523. (162 Citations.)

University of Michigan, 1993
Bachelor of Science and Engineering in Computer Engineering
· GPA: 3.86/4.0
· Awarded Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Achievement.
· Member of Eta Kappa Nu and Tau Beta Pi Honor Societies.

Employment Experience

Systran Software,, then in La Jolla, CA 1998-1999
· Developing Dictionary Software for Machine Translation of Human Languages in C/C++ on Linux.
· Installed and setup CVS and TIMED on Red Hat Linux.
· Researched and installed free software for Unicode editing under Linux.

Virage,, then in San Diego, CA, Summer 1994
Summer Intern: C/C++ Development on Unix and Windows.

Intel, Debugger Group, Portland, OR, Summer 1993
Summer Intern: C/C++ Unix Development including a DWARF dumper.

Intel, Supercomputing Systems Division, Portland, OR, Summer 1992
Summer Intern: Developed a GUI for Assign, a Supercomputing Signal Processing Program.

IBM, Research Triangle Park, NC, Summer 1991
Summer Intern: Testing LAN Manager.

Micom, N. Muskegon, MI, Summers 1989 & 1990
Summer Internships: Developed Text Retrieval Software for law firms in CSP on a mainframe.

[1] “Mind control” means God (a life form of extraterrestrial origin, not the creator), the federal government (specifically, the Department of Defense), and other entities (mostly Big Tobacco companies) are controlling my mind. The mind control tells me (telepathically) what I can not do what I must do and enforces it by controlling me. Because of mind control, I can not sue the federal government to stop the mind control and can not work on my website or promote it to expose the conspiracy. See for more information.


Blogger Naarski (the Mrs.) said...


8/28/06, 4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am the person from the resume. Thanks for posting this on the Web. I found your website from my weblogs since I got a few hits. I am completely serious though...including the fact that I'm looking for a job. Eventually, the conspiracy will be revealed, but until then it is difficult to prove anything to anyone who is out of the loop unless they have connections and can verify the information. If only I could update and promote my website in addition to posting this comment.....

9/7/06, 5:08 PM  

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