Grapes 'n Grain

eating and drinking our way across nations...

Thursday, March 16, 2006

When in London...

When in London... do as the Muslim do???
Well... hell yes, when it's colder than a witches tit outside. This is a photo of me riding on the top floor of the double decker "hop on hop off" bus in London on Day 1 of our adventure. Neither Drake and I had slept more than 3 hours in the past 48 hours, our body temperatures had dropped to sub zero, and my survival instincts were on full red alert. The first two days we were in London it was between -4 and -6 degrees Celcius, which I think equates to about 26-28 degrees F. In addition to the cold, it started raining cocktail size ice cubes in the afternoon. I had left my ice pick under the bed again, (sigh) so it became fairly treacherous to make our way through the city, what with the ice cube build up and all. We had a marvelous time regardless, being forced into pubs every few minutes for shelter and Irish coffees.


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