Grapes 'n Grain

eating and drinking our way across nations...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thirsty Thursdays

E and I joined our first wine group 12 years ago. We had so much fun that when the Wednesday Winos broke up in 2003, we assembled another group post haste. We largely kept the same format of monthly meetings and rotating hosts who provide the wine and nibblies, but did move to a different day of the week and thus the Thirsty Thursdays was born. These get-togethers are about a whole host of different things, including learning more about wine in general, tasting different wines, examining the relationship between food and wine, and catching up with dear friends.

Our most recent tasting was at Monica's. We always try to schedule her turns to take place in the summer because she shares her house with two cats and E and I are DEATHLY allergic to felines. Her eyes water so much that she can't see and her throat starts to close up. I sneeze nonstop and my skin itches from the inside out. Suffice it to say that unless we are outside, we can comfortably be at Monica's house for no more than 15 minutes before I start to head towards the light. It helps that Monica has a back patio that is made for entertaining. She has an assortment of cozy and colorful outdoor furniture and fun decorations and lighting. Mon also has great taste in dishware and sets a really beautiful table.

There's just nothing better than laughing with good friends over the rim of a wine glass.


Blogger Wah said... the post. Cheers to being thirsty on Thursdays!

7/22/11, 11:54 AM  

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