Salad and Leaves
Salmon is huge in Seattle. During Copper River salmon season, the restaurants charge obnoxious amounts of money for dishes because they can. Until this year, however, I've been pretty lukewarm about salmon. I always thought it was too fishy or too dry or too over-hyped. Well, I finally got on board with the salmon love this year. We found Copper River salmon very reasonably priced because, according to a fishmonger with whom I spoke, they had a really good fishing season. So, that prompted us to buy a whole fish which we cut up into fillets, vacuum sealed, and froze. Man, the first meal we made with it was so buttery, tasty, rich and not fishy that I had a total hallelujah moment. I am such a fan now that I didn't even mind the fact that I was consuming a big plate of leaves. That speaks volumes.
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