Grapes 'n Grain

eating and drinking our way across nations...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer Leaves, Revisited

We are not fans of leaves. They seem bland and a little too close to the dirt. In the interest of maintaining an acceptable waistline, however, we endeavor to consume leaves at least once a week. It feels like a chore and often an uphill battle, but we do try and that's all that truly counts, right? I wonder how many calories one burns from merely mentally debating about something?

When E and I decide that we are at our debaucherous consumption limit and thus need a salad to flush all of the fine living right out of us, our minds go immediately to the protein that should accompany our meal. Leaves without any protein, afterall, is just a plain salad and are, therefore, a meal in clear violation of the Geneva Convention which spells out what is acceptable in instances of international warfare.

With the last salad that we ate, we decided that shrimp would be the most fetching accessory. I marinated the peeled shrimp in an olive oil, lemon juice, sea salt, and red pepper flake concoction and let all the ingredients mix and mingle for a half hour. I then slid them onto metal skewers so they could be easily grilled. E has a like well enough/intensely fear relationship with shrimp so when we ever so infrequently have it at our house, it is usually served heavily seasoned and bearing the marks of a grill. You see, she thinks that shrimp has the texture of human flesh. Now, I'm not quite clear on how she came to this conclusion, but let's hope that it wasn't through trial and error. Anyhoo, the shrimp came out impressively spicy and delicious and made lifelong vows with its soul mate, chevre. Absolutely delightful, I mean for leaves and all.


Blogger M. Pinedo said...

I hear ya. I end up resorting to veggies when my body feels like it's saturated with bacon and carbs. Salads are definitely a chore. What flavors work together? Do I really have to buy an entire head or bag of anything and huge bags of little things? It's not that I don't like veggies, but if someone prepared it for me with all the right combinations of flavors, I'd totally eat it and love it. However, when left to my imagination to do something with them, it turns out fairly simple and eventually boring. But I believe that they need to be eaten for the sake of good health.

7/26/11, 9:16 PM  

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