Grapes 'n Grain

eating and drinking our way across nations...

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Maples and Pucks

Drake and just returned from a week long adventure to eastern Canada, specifically Toronto and Montreal. Toronto is a nice city, though not my personal favorite. I felt that it was like any big city - kind of reminded me a bit of L.A. only without as much charm or interesting attractions. To be fair, I'm a city girl, but definitely more of a smaller city girl. There were two things of note that Toronto definitely had going for it, however: 1) I was told that statistically, it's the most ethnically diverse city in Northern America, even surpassing NYC. and it showed. Every where you went, there was a literal hodge podge of ethnicities, cultures and languages spoken. I thought it was very cool! 2) Toronto truly is a beautiful city, with it's down town financial district within a half mile of the water front and port to Lake Ontario. Drake and I took a short ferry ride out to Toronto Island one day for some marathon Geocaching, and it was a breathtaking view. I'm pretty sure this was my first time seeing one of the Great Lakes, so that was kind of exciting as well. It was crazy expensive there. $6.00 beers, $2.00 for a game of BILLIARDS! and the exchange rate is now $.94 to the dollar! Unbelievable.

Bottom photo is taken from the ferry ride on Lake Ontario.

Middle photo: The Red Shoes strike a pose.
Top photo: A cool looking cathedral I came across while strolling through "Little Itlay".
Overall, a good time was had in Toronto. Those Canadians, they do it pretty okay!


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