Grapes 'n Grain

eating and drinking our way across nations...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Project Culinary Road Trip

Drake and I are embarking on yet another zany and ambitious project, cooked up late one night (most likely a "two-bottle night") of which the idea ended up on Facebook and much to my delight, exploded into a mess of brilliant ideas and suggestions, one of which was to start a cookbook or food blog to chronicle our way through this project. So first and foremost, THANK YOU Facebook friends. You know who you are. I love the idea and I'm excited to make it happen. So off we go... but first! - the relevant facts.

The Motivation: we are Geography stupid. Simple as that. Drake has a genius IQ but somehow has managed to concentrate all of those brain cells into everything BUT Geography. I, on the other hand, DO NOT have a genius IQ. Go figure. I do, however, have some intellectual curiosity as it pertains to travel and local culture and customs, primarily food and drink if I'm being 100% candid.

Tools: culinary ambition and a semblance of talent. We love food. We love to talk about it, read about it, plan it, cook it, eat it, dine in, dine out, dine all around and most importantly, learn about it. I want to be forever in discovery mode when it comes to food.

The Logic: what better way to learn about Geography than to tie it to food? DUH!

The Mission: "Project Culinary Road Trip" is a challenge to ourselves to research, learn about and cook up a minimum of one meal a week that is tied to a specific locale within the United States. It could be a city, a district within a city or the entire state but the rule of thumb is that it has to represent the local cuisine of that area.

Goal: to complete all 50 states within the next year. Bonus if we hit two cities within one state but we'll need to start knocking off states as efficiently as possible.

Your Contributions: we're going to need a lot of help. We are both from California, have lived in Seattle for the past 15 years and frankly have not traveled a whole ton. Please participate by sending in your own recipes or ideas as comments to this blog. I will make comments open and accessible to all so please share away but reference appropriately as we firmly believe in giving credit where credit is due. If you have your own blog, please include the link and I will reference back to you if we use a recipe or simply pick up one of your ideas as culinary inspiration. Secondly, feel free to play along with us. We'd love to hear your thoughts on recipes that we post here or your own versions of similar cuisine. The more the merrier.

Our first destination will be the Big Easy! New Orleans, LA. Stay tuned and Bon Appetite!


Blogger Sweet Sassy Pants said...

I love food, too, so I'm pretty excited to follow ya'll on your Road Trip. (I still think a book is a fantastic idea, though.)

2/25/12, 11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One item mostly local to New Orleans is barbecued shrimp. It's not what you think. You broil shrimp in a ton of butter and spices. unfortunately, I don't have a special recipe. I can check our n'awlins cookbooks if you're interested.
Larry Birdsong

2/26/12, 12:56 PM  
Blogger Denise said...

Looking forward to seeing all your recipes.

3/2/12, 9:33 PM  

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